Existing Beyond
The sky is NOT the limit
We are multi-dimensional beings
We live on after we leave this physical life
Existing Beyond . . . .
We are all on a journey of consciousness.
The more aware we become, the more of what Life truly entails will become visible to us.
Because the physical world we experience is but a tiny frequency-range, within an infinite energy-field of infinite frequency-ranges
many facets of Life which have always been
have been invisible to most of us for a long time
but we have entered a time of awakening,
a time in which our consciousness is hightened
and we can again start to see, become aware
that there is actually So much more !
Upto the point that we realise that
we are not human beings having a spiritual experience,
but actually spiritual beings having a human experience.
Everyone lives on, after physical death
But someone becomes aware of this state of immortality
only when he has reached a certain level of consciousness
due to which he experiences the continuation of consciousness
Because then there is no more interruption in consciousness,
due to being un-conscious.
We have slept for a long time
Let's all now fully wake up. :-}
Iedereen leeft voort, na de fysieke dood
Maar iemand wordt zich deze staat van onsterfelijkheid pas gewaar
wanneer hij een bepaald bewustzijnsniveau heeft bereikt
waardoor hij de continuering van bewustzijn ervaart
Want dan is er geen onderbreking meer in bewustzijn,
door onbewust zijn.
In feite hebben we lange tijd geslapen
Laten we nu allemaal compleet wakker worden. :-}
BEWUSTZIJN is de sleutel.